Website, hosting, and photography since 2009.
Shoveled snow off of floating docks when director was out of town.
Pulled together email addresses from a few databases and consolidated them into one mailing list for the
Constant Contact mailing list. The e-mails came from the website, Outlook files (.pst), Quickbooks, and
spreadsheet files (.xls). The result was 1287 e-mail addresses.
Produced income for the sailing center by giving private lessons.
Kept the computers virus free and up to date.
Setup remote desktop connection over file sharing so one did not have to go to the front desk to get information
off that machine.
Video taped the training sessons for Around the Mark campaign.
Helped with group sailing classes.
Helped to put boats into the water at the beginning of the season.
Helped to pull the boats at the end of the season.
Wrote an application to track junior registration. Wrote an application to product attendance sheets, parents
sign in and sign out sheets, and reports to show number of juniors signed up for each session.
Worked as mark boat driver for SWH Fleet. Took pictures of the races as well.